A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Again, the Roots have blocked your "Routes", Get it?
Bend n' move the roots just the way you want, and try to solve the puzzle in front.
I wouldn't call it a puzzle, but whatever, who cares!

[W,A,D] - Movement

K - Exit Game


#1 Root Windows.zip 22 MB
#1 Root Linux.zip 27 MB
#1 Root Mac.zip 25 MB

Install instructions

Windows - Download  the .zip file and extract it, run "Root Game Jam.exe" inside the folder.

Linux - Download the .zip file and extract it, run "#1 Root.x86_64".
If it doesn't work, try opening its properties -> Permissions -> Check the "allow executing file as program".

Mac - Download the .zip file, extract it, run the  .exe file

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